Friday, June 1, 2012

Jewel (Kelshey)

Gonna try to get the blog back on schedule.  First, as we posted on HF, we've finished one of our old Jewel pictures (for more of Jewel, scroll down).  We have other finished Jewel pictures, but they need some editing, and we don't want to bore you guys by overexposing this character (particularly when so many of you are looking out for more of, say, Raquel).

This one features (in a small part) Kelshey, the Prince of Elves, one of Jewel's suitors, whose favorite past-time re: Jewel is haughty denigration.  It's entirely possible that he's just gloating about the fact that he finally met a human male more effete than he.  Not entirely finished with his portion of the story yet, but we will say that it's full of over-the-top humiliation rhetoric, but unfortunately light on the bestial, monster-bangin' aspects of the Jewel metastory.  If the blog were more popular as is, we'd have a poll or something to find out which 'suitor' people want to see with Jewel.


  1. I'd like to the see the succubus "queen" or the slime.

  2. You know a good way to get blog traffic?
    Some good ol' shameless pluggin'.

    1. Oh, we have been, but mostly just re-directing from our HF traffic. We're trying to make sure the blog's a worthwhile read before we ask people to read it.

    2. Could always put more content here. Like sketches, wordy updates, stories, random stuff.

      And...No one understood the euphemism?

  3. Succubus Queen or Dragon...

  4. I love this character and I love these pictures. :D
    Please tell me there will be more of them! And stories! :D

  5. Love this pic, but I can't appreciate it fully until the story rolls in. Looking forward to more stuff from you

  6. VERY nice, smiles at the mention of Raquel

  7. Don't really care about Raquel when I can have Jewel :P.

  8. whoo hoo Raquel nice pick btw
