Thursday, September 3, 2015

Buggered - Patreon Sketch Factory #7

Winner #7!  Always good to do some oviposition.  This time with two futabees.  :D

How do you prefer your eggs?

"She has stickier eggs than mine, so they can handle latching onto the bowels easily enough.  Mine are hardier; indigestible, so they can sit in the stomach no problem."

"I wouldn't eat anything for a while if I were you.  The egg slime and the weak-shelled eggs will be enough sustenance. Anything else will just make the stomachache worse... which you definitely don't want."

As each egg was pumped down his throat or into his rectum, another plopped unceremoniously into his stomach, and the egg at the head of the conga-line in his intestines was pushed deeper in.

"Are those in his stomach or intestines?"

"Mmm... intestines.  These are definitely my babies.  I'm pumping out a lot."

"You said we would share!"

"Oh, it's not a competition.  I'm sure his stomach can still take plenty.  I'm sure it will still take plenty.  It's not like he's going anywhere."

- Majalis

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